Stopping the Alteplase Indication Creep

Ever since the narrow approval and strict inclusion criteria of the first trials for alteplase in stroke, our benevolent corporate overlords have been doing their utmost to expand its indications – all while continuing to unilaterally boost its price. This includes sponsoring “expert” convocations to whittle down contraindications, as well as sponsoring, and then cancelling, trials destined to futility.

This is another example of the latter.

This is the remnants of PRISMS, a trial testing the alteplase versus aspirin in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of mild stroke. In this trial, “mild stroke” included a NIHSS of ≤5 and the absence of any disabling deficits. That is to say, rather, every patient entered in this trial met, in theory, the primary outcome of an mRS of 0-1 at entry. The trial expected to find an advantage to treatment of 9% and incidence of sICH of 2%, a NNT of 11, NNH of 50, and a requirement of 948 patients for the statistical power to validate such findings.

The trial, however, was stopped after 313 patients due to “slow enrollment”. Of these, 32 were lost to follow-up, leaving 281 available for 90-day assessment without imputation. The bulk of patients ranged in NIHSS 1 to 3, with sensory symptoms, facial palsy, and dysarthria the most frequently represented stroke symptoms. Of those with 90-day follow-up, 83.1% of the aspirin arm achieved mRS 0-1, compared with 77.5% of those randomized to alteplase. Conversely, 3.4% of these mild strokes were ultimately mRS 4-6 – a typical definition of “poor outcome” – in the aspirin arm, compared with 10% of those randomized to alteplase. The 5 patients with sICH following alteplase administration contributed to these poor outcomes, compared with none following administration of aspirin.

So, very clearly, there is no evidence here to support a presumption of benefit from alteplase administration, but quite clearly evidence of harm. The authors – with hardly any conflict-of-interest to speak of – go to great lengths to assure us:

“The findings from the current trial cannot be extrapolated to all patients with lower stroke severity based on an NIHSS score of 0 to 5.”

Please continue, they say, treating this population despite the virtual absence of evidence. Even more comically, they also conclude this ought not be the last word in this patient population:

“… the very early study termination precludes any definitive conclusions, and additional research may be warranted.”

Although these authors go to great lengths to assure us there was no tomfoolery at work in the sponsor’s decision to terminate the trial, it strains credibility to suggest Genentech would be so willing to abandon potential profit relating to an expanded indication. Such decisions to cut their losses would hardly be warranted if an expectation of potential return were in store.

At the very least, this clearly shows not only diminishing returns, but likely harms relating to the use of alteplase in minor stroke. Given the sparse RCT data in this realm – NINDS, for example, included only 58 cases with a NIHSS below 5, and nearly 3,000 patients were actively excluded from other RCTs – these data still ought to move the needle of equipoise with regard to treating a spectrum of low NIHSS, but potentially disabling, deficits.  It would be entirely defensible not to treat this population while awaiting robust trial evidence in support.

Also: 13% stroke mimics!

“Effect of Alteplase vs Aspirin on Functional Outcome for Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and Minor Nondisabling Neurologic Deficits”

The Rate of Resuscitation in Pediatric DKA

A few children experience cognitive impairment and cerebral edema following the resuscitation phase of diabetic ketoacidosis. For many years, there has been suspicion the rapid volume replacement with isotonic crystalloids precipitated cerebral edema, leading to protocols requiring conservative rates of fluid administration.

Probably unnecessarily so.

This 2×2 randomized trial tested “fast” versus “slow” fluid resuscitation, as well as isotonic 0.9% saline versus 0.45% saline. “Fast” resuscitation repleted a 10% body weight fluid deficit with half of the fluid in the first 12 hours, while the “slow” resuscitation repleted a 5% fluid deficit at a steady rate over 48 hours. A little more than three hundred patients were included in each arm, with the primary outcome being a decline in mental status as measured by the Glasgow Coma Score. Persistent cognitive impairment, “clinically apparent brain injury”, and other adverse events were tracked as secondary outcomes.

Effectively, there is no discernable difference in outcomes between the four groups. Deterioration of mental status and clinically apparent brain injury were rare – occurring, essentially, around the expected 0.5-1.0% rate regardless of resuscitation speed or fluid selection. Serious adverse events were uncommon and similar across groups, without reliable signals of inferiority to any specific resuscitation strategy.

Whatever you’ve been doing these last few years, at least, hasn’t been “wrong”. Unfortunately, having failed to identify this as a preventable trigger for cerebral injury in DKA, the search for its cause must go on.

“Clinical Trial of Fluid Infusion Rates for Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis”

Roc Vs. Sux, Settled

Short answer: rocuronium, just because.

Better answer: it really doesn’t matter, please stop devoting neurons and pages to the debate.

This is a result from the National Emergency Airway Registry, a prospective database of ED airway procedures. In the sample analyzed, there were 4,275 intubations, roughly split evenly between succinylcholine and rocuronium. Generally, the cohorts were well-matched on baseline and operator characteristics.

The winner, and still champion is: they tied. First-pass success, a surrogate for effectiveness as a paralytic, was effectively identical between agents at ~87%. Adverse events, patient-oriented outcomes relating to procedural harms, were likewise effectively identical at ~15%.

This is not a randomized controlled trial, so it’s not possible to fully exclude a selection bias in which patient-level characteristics influenced the choice of agent. However, these are consistent with a Bayesian pretest likelihood of clinical equivalency. Frankly, I don’t think the cost of an RCT adds much value over these observational data sets, and any dogmatic attachment to one agent over another should be expunged. Certain clinical situations may make one agent more preferable than another, but, generally speaking, they are both excellent and effective tools.

“Emergency Department Intubation Success With Succinylcholine Versus Rocuronium: A National Emergency Airway Registry Study”

Wake Up and Smell the tPA

What happens when you wake up and you’re paralyzed from a stroke? Well, usually nothing. “Unknown time of onset” takes you – for better or worse – out of the game for alteplase, but not necessarily for endovascular therapy should a large-vessel occlusion be identified. Those large vessel occlusions, in the setting of a favorable CT perfusion profile, seem to benefit from endovascular therapy.

But, getting back to the “wake up stroke” – these have had our neurologists gnashing their teeth for some time. They have hypothesized many of these strokes have occurred just before waking and might otherwise be eligible for treatment. Absent reliable presenting information regarding the time of onset, these authors look to MRI – using presence of DWI lesion without corresponding FLAIR signal as a surrogate for tissue viability/stroke recency. Exclusion criteria in addition to the usual alteplase culprits were extremes of age, premorbid functional disability, NIHSS >25, thrombectomy candidates, and those with infarct volumes greater than 1/3rd the MCA territory. The primary outcome was 0 or 1 on the mRS at 90 days, like most trials.

These authors in this multicenter, placebo-controlled planned to enroll 800 patients, but ran out of money after five years and 503 patients. To get to these 503, the authors needed to screen 1362 potential strokes. These 859 exclusions were for various reasons, but over half were because the FLAIR matched the DWI lesion – indicated a completed infarct. Another 137 had negative DWI – i.e., not stroke – and various others had hemorrhage, failed to meet criteria for infarct size, or a scattering of other exclusions. Even despite these exclusions, another 79 snuck through as protocol violations, including 48 who should have been excluded based on imaging criteria.

Now, the meat: About 95% of those included were of the “wake up” variety, nearly all from overnight sleep. Baseline clinical features were generally well-matched. Median NIHSS was 6 in each group, although median lesion volume on DWI was 2.0 mL in the alteplase cohort as compared to 2.5 with placebo. At 90 days, 53.3% of the alteplase cohort achieved an mRS of 0-1 as compared with 41.8% with placebo. Bleeding complications, as typical, favored the placebo cohort – with absolute advantages ranging from 1.6% to 3.6%, depending on the definition of hemorrhage used. Death at 90 days also favored placebo at 1.2% versus 4.1%.

It is difficult to know what to do with these data unless your system is specifically equipped to replicate the conditions of this trial with rapid MRI. Even then, there are some oddities and specific warnings to unpack. If adhering to this protocol, the majority of patients screened will not be eligible for treatment. The number of patients who had completed their infarction was similar to those who had DWI/FLAIR mismatch, and another third had other imaging or clinical findings excluding them from treatment. Incorporating MRI into workflow may not yet represent a high-value approach.

Then, the authors performed a pre-specified subgroup analysis stratifying based on NIHSS – and the 109 analyzed patients with a NIHSS >10 did terrible. Only 13.5% of those in the tPA cohort and 12.3% of those receiving placebo achieved mRS 0 or 1. Unpacking these stratifications further, the authors provide us a whole host of breakdowns:

Generally, not too much should be read into these secondary outcomes, but they are useful for generating equipoise for other investigations.  That said, these data should be at least a useful cautionary tale regarding the value of tPA in the setting of mild, but disabling stroke – as these 175 patients represent at least six times more patients than from NINDS, and are of higher quality evidence than any of the Get With the Guidelines publications trying to build the case for tPA in mild stroke.

One takeaway that should definitely not be generated from this is: “well, if there’s an absolute increase in good outcome of 12% on those screened with MRI, then treating all ‘wake up’ patients after screening with just CT could generate about a 6% absolute benefit, and that should be offered to patients.”  Unfortunately, I suspect we will hear such calls – probably based on parsing out the low NIHSS patients in the subgroups above, and trying to toss out the ~30% with a large-vessel occlusion identified on MRA as patients who should be triaged to endovascular.  Again, trying to pick and choose the secondary outcomes that suit your narrative is fraught with peril, and the fact remains such a treatment strategy is also likely to generate harms greater than those seen in this trial.  These data ought to have a very narrow application – but shareholders and executives don’t realized dividends when alteplase isn’t flying off the shelves for expanded indications.

“MRI-Guided Thrombolysis for Stroke with Unknown Time of Onset”

Snacking Before Bedtime

How long before a procedural sedation is fasting required? You know, of course, the American Society of Anesthesiologists guidelines specify: a mini- mum fasting period of 2 hours for clear liquids, 4 hours for breast milk, 6 hours for infant formula and light meals, and 8 hours for solids containing meat or fatty foods.

Of course, anecdotally – if anecdotally means hundreds of thousands of safe sedations – Emergency Physicians have known these restrictions are nonsense.

But, guidelines are best written off published evidence – so, we have a pre-planned analysis of the relationship between fasting time and vomiting from a Canadian cohort study of pediatric sedation. With 6,295 sedations included in their analysis, almost half of whom did not meet solids fasting guidelines, these authors found no relationship between fasting time and vomiting. There were, even, only six instances of intra-procedure vomiting, and fasting duration ranged from 1.7 hours to 17.5 hours – but they all received ketamine. None of the intra-procedure, or ~300 peri-procedural episodes of vomiting, resulted in pulmonary aspiration. No relationship was found between fasting time and any other type of adverse event, either.

So, another useful piece of literature to wave around in committee meetings – both to eliminate any fasting restrictions, and, again, to help demonstrate the safety of EP-performed procedural sedation.

“Association of Preprocedural Fasting With Outcomes of Emergency Department Sedation in Children”

The Futility of Alteplase

This article is mostly a story about tenecteplase, but, effectively, it’s also a scathing indictment of alteplase – you know, the miraculous “clot-buster” we’ve been using for the past 23 years.

Because, despite rumors to the contrary, it doesn’t actually bust clots.

This isn’t news to anyone who actually follows the stroke literature closely. Indeed, the entire endovascular/thrombectomy industry is constructed upon this edifice of failure. And, as we see in this 202-patient study comparing recanalization rates after large-vessel occlusion, tenecteplase appears to be more efficacious than alteplase – 22% vs. 10%.

That is to say, in a population of 24 ICA occlusions, 3 basilar occlusions, 60 M1 occlusions, and 14 M2 occlusions, alteplase successfully “busted the clot” in 10. Most of the difference in recanalization was driven by the M1 and M2 patients, where tenecteplase had a 26% success rate and alteplase languished at 8%. These rates for alteplase are a little lower than most prior literature, so it is reasonable to be suspicious of the superiority margin associated with tenecteplase.

But, regardless, as you can see, both are dismal – and, for the past 20+ years, prior to the advent of even limited endovascular availability, we’ve just been pushing alteplase on these large vessels to no beneficial effect – except to Genentech and their shareholders.

“Tenecteplase versus Alteplase before Thrombectomy
for Ischemic Stroke”

Slow Ketamine is Less Bad than Fast Ketamine

In today’s report of study findings that ought not surprise anyone – slow infusion of ketamine is less bothersome than IV push dosing.

This is a quite small study, randomizing just 62 patients to 0.3mg/kg of ketamine by either IVP over 1 minute, or dilution into 100mL of saline and infused over 15 minutes. Of the 59 completing the study, nearly all patients experience some side effect – 86% of the IVP arm and 70% of those receiving infusion. When qualified by “moderate or greater” side effects, the difference was magnified to be 76% vs. 43%, mostly driven by feelings of unreality or hallucinations. The study was underpowered to detect differences in pain scores, but no underlying difference is suggested by these data.

Ketamine has become increasingly popular for pain control as of late, and these findings help support practice in terms of improving tolerability.

“Slow infusion of low-dose ketamine reduces bothersome side effects compared to IV push: a double-blind, double dummy, randomized controlled trial”

Wake Up And Smell the Isopropyl

Why? It’s just as good or better than the sweet, sweet taste of ondansetron dissolving under your tongue.

This is a rather small, but quite interesting trial, building upon prior work evaluating the use of inhaled isopropyl alcohol for nausea. It’s better than saline placebo, yes, but what about those actual doctor-type medicines we use so can bill as a Level 3 or Level 4 visit?

This three-arm trial randomized 40 patients each into inhaled isopropyl + ondansetron oral dissolving tablet, inhaled isopropyl + oral placebo, and inhaled placebo + ondansetron oral dissolving tablet. Even despite the limitations of sample size with regard to statistical significance, the isopropyl arms are the clear winners with regard to their primary outcome of nausea score reduction at 30 minutes. Objective outcome measures were mixed – receipt of rescue antiemetics mirrored the primary outcome, but measures of ED length-of-stay and admission disposition could not demonstrate a difference.

Some fun tidbits here – patients were allowed to have an unlimited supply of alcohol medication pads to use throughout their ED stay, not just on initial arrival. They did not quantify how many pads were utilized by patients included in these arms. The authors also evaluated the effectiveness of blinding on their study, and, as expected, found it’s hard to miss the distinctive scent of isopropyl alcohol – and this introduces a potential source of bias to these results.

Overall, at least, it certainly seems reasonable to use isopropyl alcohol pads as adjunctive therapy for nausea in the ED – and as an inexpensive, over-the-counter option for patients (well, and doctors) at home.

“Aromatherapy Versus Oral Ondansetron for Antiemetic Therapy Among Adult Emergency Department Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial”

On Anesthesiology Knows Sedation

“These guidelines are intended for use by all providers who perform moderate procedural sedation and analgesia in any inpatient or outpatient setting …”

That is to say, effectively by fiat, if you perform procedural sedation, these guidelines apply to YOU.

This is a publication by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, and sponsored by various dental and radiology organizations. This replaces a 2012 version of this document – and it has changed for both better and worse.

Falling into the “better” column of this document, this guideline no longer perpetuates the myth of requiring a period of fasting prior to an urgent or emergent procedure. Their new recommendation:

“In urgent or emergent situations where complete gastric emptying is not possible, do not delay moderate procedural sedation based on fasting time alone”

However, some things are definitely “worse”. By far the largest problem with these guidelines – reflecting the exclusion of emergency medicine and critical care specialties from the writing or approving group – is their classification of propofol and ketamine as agents intended for general anesthesia. They specifically differentiate practice with these agents from the use of benzodiazepines or adjunctive opiates by stating:

“When moderate procedural sedation with sedative/ analgesic medications intended for general anesthesia by any route is intended, provide care consistent with that required for general anesthesia.”

These guidelines do not describe the care of patients receiving general anesthesia, but, obviously, we are not performing general anesthesia in the Emergency Department – and, I expect most hospitals do not credential their Emergency Physicians for general anesthesia. The impact of these guidelines in a practical sense on individual health system policy is unclear, particularly in the context of safe use of these medications by EPs for decades, but it’s certainly just one more pretentious obstacle to providing safe and effective care for our patients.

“Practice Guidelines for Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia 2018”

“The Newest Threat to Emergency Department Procedural Sedation”

TACO Time!

One of the best acronyms in medicine: TACO. Of no solace to those afflicted by it, transfusion-related circulatory overload is one of the least-explicitly recognized complications of blood product transfusion. The consent for blood products typically focuses on the rare transmissibility of viruses and occurrence of autoimmune reactions, yet TACO is far more frequent.

This report from an ongoing transfusion surveillance study catalogued 20,845 patients receiving transfusions of 128,263 blood components. The incidence of TACO was one case per 100 transfused patients. Then, these authors identified 200 patients suffering TACO, and compared their baseline characteristics to 405 patients receiving similar transfusion intensity, but who did not develop TACO. Clinically relevant risk factors for developing TACO identified in their analysis were, essentially:

  • Congestive heart failure
  • End-stage or acute renal disease
  • End-stage liver disease
  • Need for emergency surgery

… or, basically, the population for whom a propensity for circulatory overload would be expected. It appears, generally speaking, clinicians were aware of the increased risks in these specific patients, as a greater percentage received diuretic treatment prior to transfusion as well. 30-day mortality in those suffering TACO was approximately 20%, roughly double that of those matched controls.

More good reasons to adhere to as many restrictive transfusion guidelines as feasible.

“Contemporary Risk Factors and Outcomes of Transfusion-Associated Circulatory Overload”