Let ChatGPT Guide Your Hand

This exploration of LLMs in the emergency department is a bit unique in its conceptualization. While most demonstrations of generative AI applied to the ED involve summarization of records, digital scribing, or composing discharge letters, this attempts clinical decision-support. That is to say, rather than attempting to streamline or deburden clinicians from some otherwise time-intensive task, the LLM here taps into its ability to act as a generalized prediction engine – and tries its hand at prescriptive recommendations.

Specifically, the LLM – here GPT-3.5T and GPT-4T – is asked:

  • Should this patient be admitted to the hospital?
  • Does this patient require radiologic investigations?
  • Does this patient require antibiotics?

Considering we’ve seen general LLMs perform admirably on various medical licensing examinations, ought not these tools be able to get the meat off the bone in real life?

Before even considering the results, there are multiple fundamental considerations taking this published exploration into the realm of curiosity rather than insightfulness:

  • This communication was submitted in Oct 2023 – meaning the LLMs used, while modern at the time, are debatably becoming obsolete. Likewise, the prompting methods are a bit simplistic and anachronistic – evidence has shown advantage to carefully constructed augmented retrieval instructions.
  • The LLM was fed solely physician clinical notes – specifically the “clinical history”, “examination”, and “assessment/plan”. The LLM was therefore generating responses based on, effectively, an isolated completed medical assessment of a patient. This method excludes other data present in the record (vital signs, laboratory results, etc.), while also relying upon finished human documentation for its “decision-support”.
  • The prompts – “should”/”does” – replicate the intent of the decision-support concept of the exploration, but not the retrospective nature of the content. Effectively, what ought to have been asked of the LLMs – and the clinician reviewers – was “did this patient get admitted to the hospital?” or “did this patient receive antibiotics?” It would be mildly interesting to shift the question away from a somewhat subjective value judgement to a bit of an intent inference exercise.
  • The clinician reviewers – one resident physician and one attending physician – did not much agree (73-83% agreement) on admission, radiology, and antibiotic determinations. It becomes very difficult to evaluate any sort of predictive or prescriptive intervention when the “gold standard” is so diaphanous. There is truly no accepted “gold standard” for these sorts of questions, as individual clinician admission rates and variations in practice are exceedingly wide. This is evidenced by the general inaccuracy displayed by just these two clinicians, whose own individual accuracy ranged from 74-83%, on top of that poor agreement.

Now, after scratching the tip of the methodology and translation iceberg, the results: unusable.

GPT-4T, as to expected, outperformed GPT-3.5T. But, regardless of LLM prompted, there were clear patterns of inadequacy. Each LLM was quite sensitive in its prescription of admission or radiologic evaluation – but at the extreme sacrifice of specificity, with “false positives” nearly equalling the “true positives” in some cases. The reverse was true for antibiotic prescription, with a substantial drop in sensitivity, but improved specificity. For what its worth, of course, U.S. emergency departments are general cesspools of aggressive empiric antibiotic coverage, driven by CMS regulations – so it may in fact be the LLM displaying astute clinical judgement, here. The “sepsis measure fallout gestapo” might disagree, however.

I can envision this approach is not entirely hopeless. The increasing use of LLM digital scribes is likely to improve early data available to such predictive or prescriptive models. Other structured clinical data collected by electronic systems may be incorporated. Likewise, there are other clinical notes of value potentially available, including nursing and triage documentation. I don’t hardly find this to be a dead-end idea, at all, but the limitations of this exploration don’t shed much light except to direct future efforts.

“Evaluating the use of large language models to provide clinical recommendations in the Emergency Department”

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