In an addition to the pages of possibly brilliant innovations, this is a case report of an attempt to use 2-octyl cyanoacrylate (Dermabond) on the tongue. The authors document a gaping laceration to the tongue on a pediatric patient – and a family that refused consent for sedation and suture repair. So, even though Dermabond is not recommended for use on mucosal surfaces – onward!
After extensive drying, the authors document secure and successful closure. However, at the 24 hour wound check, the glue had begun to detach, requiring removal of the first application and a second treatment. No further complications were encountered, and a 14-day revisit showed complete resolution of the injury.
I agree with these authors – the tongue is not a trivial repair, particularly in the unruly youth. The risk is probably minimal – although, the tissue adhesive could be problematic if it comes detached. The laceration itself is documented in images – and, while it’s possible the still images don’t tell the story, I’m not sure it necessitated any repair at all.
I appreciate the novel use, but it’s unclear if this is a technique worth much enthusiasm in revisiting.
“Pediatric Tongue Laceration Repair Using 2-Octyl Cyanoacrylate (Dermabond)”